

Artist Statement

I make art because I have a permanent, uncompromising calling to represent truths in three dimensional form. My life as an artist has been a journey through these truths and is ever changing. I have made long explorations into wilderness and it has impacted my soul, leaving me to ponder how wilderness will continue to exist in modern American and global conditions. I investigate how past knowledge, spirituality, and traditions which are embedded in wilderness and place, will continue to define us. My work is about process, journey and exploration and this feeds the product. Bronze is essential to preserve the process, solidify the truths and capture a space in time. I believe we all have a story to tell; my art tells my own story and is woven together with stories of land and elements of life which do not have a conventional voice.

I am based in the high desert mountains of Colorado, USA where I cast my own bronze and live in close connection to the land.